Jose Miguel Puerta (ORCID:0000-0002-9164-5191)
Jose Miguel Puerta (ORCID:0000-0002-9164-5191)
Professor of Computer Science, Castilla-La Mancha University
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Cited by
Learning Bayesian networks by hill climbing: efficient methods based on progressive restriction of the neighborhood
JA Gámez, JL Mateo, JM Puerta
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 22, 106-148, 2011
Ant colony optimization for learning Bayesian networks
LM De Campos, JM Fernandez-Luna, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 31 (3), 291-311, 2002
Fast wrapper feature subset selection in high-dimensional datasets by means of filter re-ranking
P Bermejo, L de la Ossa, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Knowledge-Based Systems 25 (1), 35-44, 2012
Speeding up incremental wrapper feature subset selection with Naive Bayes classifier
P Bermejo, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Knowledge-Based Systems 55, 140-147, 2014
Elvira: An environment for creating and using probabilistic graphical models
Elvira Consortium
Proceedings of the first European workshop on probabilistic graphical models …, 2002
A GRASP algorithm for fast hybrid (filter-wrapper) feature subset selection in high-dimensional datasets
P Bermejo, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (5), 701-711, 2011
A preventive model for muscle injuries: a novel approach based on learning algorithms
A López-Valenciano, F Ayala, JM Puerta, MDS Croix, F Vera-García, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 50 (5), 915, 2018
Improving the performance of Naive Bayes multinomial in e-mail foldering by introducing distribution-based balance of datasets
P Bermejo, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 2072-2080, 2011
Design and simulation of a thermal comfort adaptive system based on fuzzy logic and on-line learning
P Bermejo, L Redondo, L de la Ossa, D Rodríguez, J Flores, C Urea, ...
Energy and Buildings 49, 367-379, 2012
On the discovery of association rules by means of evolutionary algorithms
MJ del Jesus, JA Gamez, P Gonzalez, JM Puerta
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 (5 …, 2011
Handling numeric attributes when comparing Bayesian network classifiers: does the discretization method matter?
MJ Flores, JA Gámez, AM Martínez, JM Puerta
Applied Intelligence 34, 372-385, 2011
Incremental wrapper-based subset selection with replacement: An advantageous alternative to sequential forward selection
P Bermejo, JA Gamez, JM Puerta
2009 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining, 367-374, 2009
Stochastic local algorithms for learning belief networks: Searching in the space of the orderings
LM de Campos, JM Puerta
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: 6th …, 2001
Searching for the best elimination sequence in Bayesian networks by using ant colony optimization
JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Pattern Recognition Letters 23 (1-3), 261-277, 2002
Scaling up the greedy equivalence search algorithm by constraining the search space of equivalence classes
JI Alonso-Barba, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
International journal of approximate reasoning 54 (4), 429-451, 2013
Learning distributed discrete Bayesian network classifiers under MapReduce with Apache spark
J Arias, JA Gamez, JM Puerta
Knowledge-Based Systems 117, 16-26, 2017
An iterated local search algorithm for learning Bayesian networks with restarts based on conditional independence tests
LM De Campos, JM Fernández‐Luna, JM Puerta
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 18 (2), 221-235, 2003
Learning bayesian networks by ant colony optimisation: searching in two different spaces
LM de Campos, JA Gámez, JM Puerta
Mathware & soft computing 9 (2-3), 251-268, 2002
Adaptive fast quadtree level decision algorithm for H. 264 to HEVC video transcoding
AJ Díaz-Honrubia, JL Martínez, P Cuenca, JA Gamez, JM Puerta
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 26 (1), 154-168, 2015
Stochastic local and distributed search algorithms for learning belief networks
LM de Campos, JM Puerta
Proceedings of the III international symposium on adaptive systems …, 2001
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Articles 1–20