José Carlos Rangel
Cited by
Cited by
An augmented reality application for improving shopping experience in large retail stores
E Cruz, S Orts-Escolano, F Gomez-Donoso, C Rizo, JC Rangel, H Mora, ...
Virtual Reality 23, 281-291, 2019
Semi-supervised 3D object recognition through CNN labeling
JC Rangel, J Martinez-Gomez, C Romero-Gonzalez, I Garcia-Varea, ...
Applied Soft Computing 65, 603-613, 2018
Irrigation System through Intelligent Agents Implemented with Arduino Technology. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
R Salazar, JC Rangel, C Pinzón, A Rodríguez
Salamanca 2 (3), 2013
Irrigation system through intelligent agents implemented with arduino technology
R Salazar, JC Rangel, C Pinzón, A Rodríguez
Scene classification based on semantic labeling
JC Rangel, M Cazorla, I García-Varea, J Martínez-Gómez, É Fromont, ...
Advanced Robotics, 1-12, 2016
Object recognition in noisy RGB-D data using GNG
JC Rangel, V Morell, M Cazorla, S Orts-Escolano, J García-Rodríguez
Pattern Analysis and Applications 20, 1061-1076, 2017
Lextomap: lexical-based topological mapping
JC Rangel, J Martinez-Gomez, I Garcia-Varea, M Cazorla
Advanced Robotics 31 (5), 268-281, 2017
Automatic semantic maps generation from lexical annotations
JC Rangel, M Cazorla, I Garcia-Varea, C Romero-Gonzalez, ...
Autonomous Robots 43, 697-712, 2019
Geoffrey: An automated schedule system on a social robot for the intellectually challenged
E Cruz, F Escalona, Z Bauer, M Cazorla, J Garcia-Rodriguez, ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2018 (1), 4350272, 2018
Técnicas de machine learning aplicadas a la evaluación del rendimiento ya la predicción de la deserción de estudiantes universitarios, una revisión.
E Cruz, M González, JC Rangel
Prisma Tecnológico 13 (1), 77-87, 2022
Finding the place: how to train and use convolutional neural networks for a dynamically learning robot
E Cruz, JC Rangel, F Gomez-Donoso, Z Bauer, M Cazorla, ...
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
Computing image descriptors from annotations acquired from external tools
JC Rangel, M Cazorla, I García-Varea, J Martínez-Gómez, É Fromont, ...
Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Volume …, 2016
Automatic understanding and mapping of regions in cities using Google Street View Images
JC Rangel, E Cruz, M Cazorla
Applied Sciences 12 (6), 2971, 2022
Prototipo de un sistema que determine el estado de madurez de un plátano utilizando Deep Learning y Visión Artificial
A Villalba, T Requena, F Solanilla, JC Rangel
Revista De Iniciación Científica 6, 49-53, 2020
Object recognition in noisy rgb-d data
JC Rangel, V Morell, M Cazorla, S Orts-Escolano, J García-Rodríguez
Bioinspired Computation in Artificial Systems: International Work-Conference …, 2015
Sistema de visión artificial para gestión de calidad del Banano Cavendish en etapa de postcosecha
BO Nieto, JC Rangel
Revista de Iniciación Científica 8 (2), 32-42, 2022
Using gng on 3d object recognition in noisy rgb-d data
JC Rangel, V Morell, M Cazorla, S Orts-Escolano, J Garcia-Rodriguez
2015 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2015
Minimizing intersection waiting time: Proposal of a queue network model using Kendall’s notation in Panama city
C Rovetto, E Cruz, I Nuñez, K Santana, A Smolarz, J Rangel, EE Cano
Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10030, 2023
How to add new knowledge to already trained deep learning models applied to semantic localization
E Cruz, JC Rangel, F Gomez-Donoso, M Cazorla
Applied Intelligence 50 (1), 14-28, 2020
Semantic localization of a robot in a real home
E Cruz, Z Bauer, JC Rangel, M Cazorla, F Gomez-Donoso
Advances in Physical Agents: Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop …, 2019
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Articles 1–20